Thursday, October 14, 2010

Treasures Unearthed: Read on...

Translated into 200 languages and never out of print, Pilgrim's Progress is considered one of the greatest masterpieces of English literature. With a reputation like that of course we had to pick it for next month's read.
Mark your calendar's for
Wednesday, November 10
7:30 p.m.
Heather Friant's home
This will be my 3rd year in FSA. I absolutely love working with clubs and all the various activities we've done over the years. That said, I consider my participation in Book Club to be the most rewarding and educational of them all.
The books we have read have been life-changing for me personally. They always seemed to come at a time when I needed to learn that particular thing and definitely helped me in my homeschooling. From each I feel like I have received a world-class education! If you want to be a better teacher, mother, person there are great books that will help and inspire.
Does it get any better? Yes!!! To be able to then meet together with like-minded women and share in their wisdom, insights, and life experiences, their joys and challenges of teaching--that is the icing on the cake! Can you tell I am still basking in the glow of last night's discussion of Joan of Arc?:)--so enjoyable! Even if you don't get a chance to read the book selection for the month, come for the discussion. You will not be disappointed.
What blessings are good literature and good company!
If you have read a book that helped you immensely in any area of your life please come and suggest it for a book club selection.
Here is a compilation of some of the works we've read/discussed:
Totto-chan-- Set in Japan, a true story of a brilliant teacher who changed the lives of his students through is revolutionary yet simple educational philosophies.
The Call to Brilliance --finding and bringing out the talents and brilliance in each of our children
Honey for a Child's Heart -- importance of reading aloud to children. Suggested readings for each age.
The Anatomy of Peace --and I'd like to add The Bonds that Make us Free -- changing our relationships by changing ourselves first. a MUST READ!
Wild Days--Keeping Nature Journals
Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe -- packed with info about the beauty and symbolism of numbers and how they are ever-present in nature.
The Story of Science-- The Scientific Revolution explained as in an engaging story.
The Majesty of Books -- summary of great works of literature and great ideas for keeping your own life books.
Jane Eyre -- writing at its' best
Alas, Babylon -- fiction novel of what life would be like in the event of a world war/nuclear distaster.
A Thomas Jefferson Education -- teaching children to learn through their passions
A Charlotte Mason Companion -- a breath of fresh air--simplifying and enjoying the learning process for our children.

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